When Sending a Proposal to a Dream Client Triggers your Worthiness Wound



You're bound to come up with some resistance as you reach the next level in your business. The number on that proposal might FREAK. YOU. OUT. But it's important that we face these feelings head on. Even years into entrepreneurship, I'm experiencing this discomfort right now as I'm in the process of potentially signing a game changing client.

Together, let's establish what your North Star in business is. This is different than those pie in the sky dreams. This is a goal that you truly believe will happen for you. Once you have a specific North Star, you can start removing the barriers to entry. Whether it's a mindset block or a circumstance that needs to change, setting your sights on that North Star is the first step.

That feeling of resistance when we're about to reach a North Star goal is inviting you to consider - where have you sacrificed your own self-worth in the name of pleasing others in the past? We're not going to do that again. We may be rejected by these dream opportunities. But it's better to face rejection than to constantly undersell ourselves.

In this Episode, I discuss:

  • The emotional components of reaching a new level in business

  • What a North Star in Business is and how to find yours

  • How my client reached a North Star goal of working with Dear Media

  • My experience receiving a counter offer and realizing a new opportunity was not exactly the North Star I thought it was

If you want to chat more about this topic, I'd love to chat more over on Instagram @elliemcmakin!


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