In Focus: Building Multiple Businesses Led By Curiosity



I had the pleasure of being featured on "The Art of Joy" with Tresa and Ashlee in June and they asked such insightful questions. So today, I'm sharing a segment that touches on the power of a multi-passionate approach to business. You don't have to confine yourself to one niche and one area of expertise to be a business person! 

In my career, I have constantly followed my curiosity to lead me to my next big business venture. During a slump as a wedding photographer, I dipped my toes in the Facebook Ad space in an effort to pick up the pace. That decision led to a $24,000 week! Because of this experience, I strongly believe that our businesses should expand with our curiosities.

I'm so grateful for Tresa and Ashlee for having me on "The Art of Joy" and I highly encourage you all to go check out their podcast. We dive in to a bit more of my origin story and the mindset that it takes to be a successful entrepreneur! Tune in for a segment of the episode and head over to "The Art of Joy" for the full interview.

In this episode, we cover:

  • How I approach businesses that want to grow their team but aren’t quite ready to invest 

  • The importance of social media marketing 

  • The obstacle of fluctuating income and how I overcame the lulls of my wedding photography business

  • What happens when we let curiosity lead the way in business

If you want to chat more about this topic, I'd love to chat more over on Instagram @elliemcmakin!


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