How We’re Going to Make 2024 The Greatest Comeback of All Time



You know those moments of clarity and creativity that hit you like a wave? Well, I'm riding that wave, and today, we're getting ready for the greatest comeback of our lives.

I've been chatting in the DMs with quite a few people who have had their hardest year yet. In the last episode, I was in deep reflection mode, but dwelling there forever isn't the answer. So here's the scoop for a 2024 comeback that goes beyond empty resolutions.

Drawing wisdom from my friend Todd Collins, a great TikTok creator, we explore the essence of a great story. Think Rocky – his first fight wasn't a win, but the comeback? Oh, that hits different, and your victory will be ten times sweeter after hitting rock bottom.

Confession time: I was ready to throw in the towel on this year, but now I'm in a different space. I've realized that my intense feelings can be leverage for my business and dreams. If I got everything I wanted, I'd be a different person – less relatable, less real. Failure, with the ability to connect and lift each other up, is a far better path.

So we're hitting on some key principles that will take that to-do list that inevitably gets abandoned and create something so much better. In the new year, let's agree to fail forward and fail faster. It's all an experiment that we can keep tweaking along the way until we find the answers.

The second principle is recognizing that there's a solution for every problem. Wrap your mind around it – it's empowering. Operate with confidence, become a solution driver, and reject the victim mentality. Despite a history of rejection, failure, and trauma, you can self-soothe and grow. Your core confidence comes from realizing you're entirely capable.

This is the year that we let go of the old approach. I've been through cycles of productivity that only get knocked down by depressive episodes. I know that none of this is cut and dry. But that's why we're not doing it alone. I can't wait to see what this year has in store for us! Thank you for tuning in to another episode of The Business Conservatory Podcast. The next year of the podcast has some super exciting things on the horizon, so stay tuned!

If you want to chat more about this topic, I'd love to chat more over on Instagram @elliemcmakin!


  • Learn more about Todd Collins here


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